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Pirate Monkeys Inc.


Things that GMonkey wrote
Things that other people wrote that GMonkey likes
Fanfic links

GMonkey's Fanfic

This is the only full-length fanfic I've completed. Comics are more my medium.
Fandom: X-Files
Title: Elvis
Rating: G, very mild swearing
Category: story, humor
Spoilers: tiny Never Again spoiler, but it’s not what you’d expect
Summary: Elvis is alive...
Premise: I wrote this for my high school AP English class...

The Humor Page

This is where all the funny stuff I've written goes. I'm going to start updating this more often with funny stuff I post in my blog.
The humor page is rated PG-13.

GMonkey's Fanfic Recommendations

I didn't write these but I liked reading them and you will too. I'm busy as #@%$ for now but I think I'll actually be able to update this section occasionally. Where the site has a warning page, I've linked to that instead of the story but it'll be easy enough to find the stories.

Harry Potter

but especially . It's what made me like Hagrid/Snape.

Death Eaters at the Malfoy Estate By Grindylowe
Humor, NC-17. Best. Fanfic. Ever. Snape is a young Death Eater making potions for Voldemort and being irritated by just about everyone around him. This story contains sex, drugs and violence against house elves. It's beautiful.

By JayKay
Romance, R,R,NC-17. Very nice Snape/Lupin, taking place during and after PoA. I especially like part II, which is written as a series of letters between the pair.

By Libertine
Libertine's fanfic is now housed on gongaga.com. Click "Gift Novel" then "Harry Potter" and scroll down to Libertine's stories.
Humor, Adventure, NC-17. A bunch of Mary Sue slash fans plot to kidnap Snape. It has inside jokes, some of which I probably missed, but it's still damn funny. I just have to put in an excerpt:
"So, for instance – Draco isn't currently under the coffee table, giving you a blow job?"
Snape coloured. "What ever gave you that idea?" he said.
"Well..." Harry chewed his lower lip. "It's a *glass* coffee table, Severus," he finally managed to choke out.
Snape looked down. "Ah. So it is," he remarked, with moderate chagrin.

This is actually a sequel; you should read the whole "Harry Potter and the Internet" section. Then read all the others.

By Fabula Rasa
Drama, I think part I is R but the whole series is rated NC-17. Warning: character death. Snape/Sirius, a little Snape/Lucius. Snape's a vampire and it's handled well. I like it.

Not Slash:
Lamentations of a Starry-Eyed Twit: The Confessions of Auriga Sinistra By She's A Star
Humor, PG-13. Sinsitra and Snape like each other but they're not about to admit it, especially to themselves. It's het and I actually like it. Amazing. There's also one from Snape's POV here.

A Day in the Life of Severus Snape: An Excerpt from His Diary By Hel
Humor, PG-13. Snape puts up with his annoying co-workers and is unreasonably mean to Neville. There's a funny bit with Trelawney.

Defense Against The Dark Pests by necroangel
Humor, PG-13. Tviokh (who's a real person) is recruited to exterminate all the Mary Sues infesting Hogwarts. And there some good bits with Snape.


By Bernice (the link goes to the X-Files section of the main stories page; the page with the actual story contains images that are not safe for work)
Mulder/Krycek, AU, Nc-17. Reeeeally AU. Krycek is a mermaid. Er, merman. And Mulder works at an aquarium. I like it.

Not Slash:
By K.
Humor/Romance, NC-17. X-Files/Quantum Leap crossover that involves Mulder and Scully on a romantic vacation, aliens and cats. I read it years ago and I like it.

Other fanfic and fanfic-related sites that I like:

Most of these contain slash and/or material that is inappropriate for children. I am not responsible for the content of these sites.

Harry Potter
Hagrid/Snape archive. Some of my favorite authors (though I haven't read all the stories on there yet) are Bernice, Sylvadin and Delphi.
Grindylowe's "Death Eaters at the Malfoy Estate" is the funniest fanfic ever. Just read it.
lots of Snape Slash
Harry Potter, also Gundam Wing, Star Trek, X-Men and more. Contains some really violent stuff, which I generally skip.
more PotterSlash than you can shake a stick at
Potterverse Fanfiction by Isis Lots of good fanfiction. Be sure to look at this comic. Snape looks in the Mirror. Very cool!

I like the funny stuff.
by Bernice, who also writes awesome Hagrid/Snape and occasionally other pairings.

Resources for writing fanfic:
Harry Potter Lexicon all the info you'll ever need about Harry Potter
 about writing fanfic in general
150 Years of Mary Sue tells you what not to do
The Mary Sue Society also what not to do
Mary Sue Report LiveJournal if you don't pay attention to the above sites, your story might get reviewed here...
Slap to the Head Fanfiction! LiveJournal ...or here

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