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Pirate Monkeys Inc.



The X-Files Kids

If you don't want any spoilers then you should probably read the comics first.

The Comic Books

The Comic Books

Here's my first attempt at a full-length comic book (apart from the Jane Eyre parody I did for English class - I'll put that up here some time), "The X-Files Kids." Featuring Scully, Mulder and all the gang as cute little third-graders, along with their feisty OC sidekick, Monkey.
I freely admit that the artwork isn't up to my current standards; I started this when I was in high school and I like the stories so I'm putting them up. It's really aimed at X-Files geeks like me, who refer to episodes by their titles - meaning it contains inside jokes, (such as the dodgeball in #2 as a reference to Melissa Scully getting shot. A very VAGUE reference. Oh well). Anyway, even if you haven't seen all the episodes (well, not including season 9. Even I skipped some of those) I hope you'll like it.
Maybe someday, when I have way too much time on my hands, I'll re-do all the artwork. Yeah, and maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt. That would be cool. Flying butt monkeys. With that in mind as an example of my sense of humor, on with the show.

Issue #1
Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #2
Issue #3
Issue #3
Issue #4
Issue #4
The images for the comic pages are actually somewhat bigger than they will appear; I built all the pages BEFORE finding out if it would be compatible with 800x600 resolution. It wasn't - there would've been side-scrolling. Just changing the image dimensions in the code is a quicker solution than going back and resizing all the images. It won't significantly affect the time it takes to download the page, plus if you use higher resolution, you can download the images if you want and they'll be a bit bigger on your computer. So there's my lame excuse for that.

The Mini Comics

Often, I'd be sitting in class or on the bus or something, thinking about X-Files, and I'd come up with a joke so I'd have to draw it. This may explain why my GPA wasn't higher. Bear in mind, a lot of these may have seemed funnier when I first drew them, sitting around trying to amuse myself and my friends. These won't make much sense if you don't remember what happened in the episodes they're about. You can go to if you want to jog your memory. I have more in older notebooks but here's what I've been able to dig up so far.
Pick an episode to see the mini comic for that episode (if it's not a link then there's no comic for that one):

Season 6 Season 7 Season 8
The Beginning The 6th Extinction Within
Drive The 6th Extinction II:Amor Fati Without
Triangle Hungry Patience
Dreamland Millennium Roadrunners
Dreamland II Rush Invocation
Terms of Endearment The Goldberg Variation Redrum
The Rain King Orison Via Negativa
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas The Amazing Maleeni Surekill
Tithonus Signs & Wonders Salvage
S.R. 819 Sein Und Zeit Badlaa
Two Fathers Closure The Gift
One Son X-Cops Medusa
Arcadia First Person Shooter Per Manum
Agua Mala Theef This is Not Happening
Monday En Ami DeadAlive
Alpha Chimera Three Words
Trevor all things Empedocles
Milagro Brand X Vienen
Three of a Kind Hollywood A.D. Alone
The Unnatural Fight Club Essence
Field Trip Je Souhaite Existence
Biogenesis Requiem  

Other Mini Comics

These are mini comics/doodles that don't relate to any specific episode.
There aren't a lot right now, so I'll just stick them all on one page.

Here's my Scully Halloween costume, from 1997.

my Scully costume

I dyed my hair. I borrowed that necklace; I'm not actually religious. I made the FBI badge myself. The alien's name is Little Spooky.

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The X-Files, characters etc. TM & © FOX and its related entities.

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Original artwork and site design © G. Rhett 2003-2011.